30 anni fa il 1989: ciclo di iniziative sul tema

Si informano gli Studenti che a partire dal mese di novembre 2019 si svolgeranno una serie di iniziative sul tema “30 anni fa il 1989”:

Il 1989 e la rinascita della geopolitica
Franco Salvatori
Lunedì 11 novembre 2019, Auditorium Campus X, ore 11-13

Il sistemo politico italiano e la caduta del Muro
Gianluca Fiocco
Mercoledì 27 novembre, Sogene, Aula P 2, ore 11-13

L’altro 1989: l’incendio del Centroamerica
Lucia Ceci
Lunedì 2 dicembre 2019, Aula T 29, ore 9-11

Good Bye, Lenin! di Wolfgang Becker (2003)
con Giovanni Spagnoletti
Mercoledì 4 dicembre 2919, Sala cinema, ore 11-13

Quando crollarono Muro e certezze: geopolitica delle trasformazioni post 1989
Alessandro Ricci, Franco Salvatori, Salvatore Santangelo
Mercoledì 4 dicembre 2019, Aula T 30, ore 14-16

Politiche e culture del ricordo dopo il 1989
Filippo Focardi
Mercoledì 11 dicembre 2019, Aula Dipartimento IV piano, ore 11-13

Il cielo diviso
Anna Fattori
Mercoledì 11 dicembre 2019, Aula T 31, ore 17,30-19

Gli incontri proseguiranno nei mesi di febbraio e marzo 2020

Il Talmud babilonese Trattato Qiddushìn (fidanzamenti e matrimoni) Il Talmud babilonese Trattato Qiddushìn (fidanzamenti e matrimoni)

In occasione della pubblicazione del Trattato Qiddushìn, il quarto tradotto nel contesto del Progetto Traduzione Talmud Babilonese, il Centro Romano di Studi sull’Ebraismo dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata propone un approfondimento sul volume, curato da Riccardo Di Segni e dedicato al matrimonio, e sul progetto, frutto di un protocollo di intesa fra Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Miur, Cnr, Ucei-Cri.

La locandina dell’iniziativa, che vedrà la presenza del nuovo rettore, prof. Orazio Schillaci, e si terrà lunedì 11 novembre alle 12 in Aula Moscati, Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia, è disponibile cliccando qui.

Alla presentazione seguirà un aperitivo kosher, gentilmente offerto dalla Direttrice del Progetto Traduzione Talmud Babilonese, Clelia Piperno.

Intern and Study Abroad

Aperte le applications per il programma “Intern and Study Abroad” 2019/2020 promosso da City Internship. Le esperienze sono riconosciute come valide ai fini delle attività curriculari di Soft Skills.

About City Internships

City Internships creates globally engaged, career-ready graduates.

Since 2011, our immersive, structured “bridge” programs have equipped graduates with the in-demand skills, experience and links to employers necessary to launch meaningful careers in today’s competitive and evolving employment landscape.

We are a “career accelerator” with a strong track-record in protecting and amplifying the value of students’ post-secondary education. Upon college graduation, CI alumni secure graduate-level employment 3 times more quickly and starting salaries 30 percent higher than their peers.

Our overarching mission is to serve as a bridge between traditional education providers and leading companies.

In the US, fewer than 60 percent of college students graduate. And fewer than 55% of recent graduates (those aged between 22 and 27) secure graduate-level employment. The effects of early career outcomes are significant and long-lasting, more than three-quarters of lifetime earnings growth accrues within the first decade of work. As well as individuals, the effects of poor early career outcomes have the potential destabilize institutions. We believe the talent/skill and enrollee shortages reported, increasingly and respectively, by employers and educators are symptomatic of the same cause; employers and educators occupying parallel, seldom overlapping universes and the depressed college outcomes that result.

By rigorously enhancing the career preparedness of students via outcomes-focused experiential education, we too serve the dual and mutual interests of employers and traditional educators; enabling companies to build suitably skilled and high-performing teams and colleges to demonstrate quality, relevance and value through favorable education-to-employment outcomes.

City Internships Programs

3 program formats. 9 career fields. 20 cities.

For 2020, CI offers programs in three formats.

Our Global Accelerator Program (GAP) is our flagship experience. It is an 8-week summer-only program delivered in London and New York. All students attend an 8-week placement with a leading employer in their chosen career field. And students may participate in the GAP program on a resident or non-resident (“commuter”) attendee.

All GAP students undertake a cohort-based “Career Navigator” and “Business Leaders” course of seminars and workshops developed, respectively, to maximize students’ career-readiness and commercial awareness. Our on-the-ground coaches and mentors use productive struggle to challenge and support students in equal measure, facilitating the self-discovery of career preferences, strengths and potential.

Our Global Explorer Program (GEP) offers a more customizable experience. Students may undertake a 6 to 12 week program (with corresponding-length internship placement in their chosen career field), in one of 20 cities, and at at any time of year (programs commence on a rolling monthly basis). All GEP students undertake an personalized, online version of our prized Career Navigator and Business leaders courses. All GEP students also enjoy regular access to career coaches and ongoing guidance.

Our Remote Program (RP) is new for 2020 and offers an experience yielding the benefits of a structured and well-managed remote internship placement, without the logistical and financial overhead associated with relocating elsewhere. Like the GEP, students may undertake a 6 to 12 week program (with corresponding-length internship placement in their chosen career field), in one of 20 cities, and at at any time of year (programs commence on a rolling monthly basis). All RP students undertake an personalized, online version of our prized Career Navigator and Business leaders courses. All RP also students enjoy regular access to career coaches and ongoing guidance.

All programs are open to undergraduate and graduate students from any year and any major.

Students may apply directly. Alternatively, students attending partnering colleges may apply via designated portals available through their Career and/or Study Abroad Centers.

Program locations:

> London, Dublin, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Shanghai, Tokyo, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Toronto, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Washington D.C., Boston, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco,  Medellin, and Santiago.

Internship placement career fields:

> Banking & financial services, Consulting & Professional services, Marketing, Advertising & PR, Law & Politics, Media, Entertainment & Journalism, Art, Fashion & Design, Start-ups & Entrepreneurship, Technology & Engineering, and Charities, Non-profits & NGOs.

Program seasons/dates:

> GAP: Summer only. (London and New York only)

> GEP & RP: Year-round, rolling start. (All locations.)

To receive a detailed prospectus, please complete this form:
